Having several users can be useful to have more insight into who has been logged into the cash register at which point in time.
Make sure you are logged in to Backoffice first.
Choose Configuration -> Employees.
A list of all your current users will be shown. To create a new one, click Create Employee.
The page below will be shown. Fill in all the fields with a red star, at the least.
Explanation of roles:
Administrators have the right to log in to Backoffice, view reports and make changes in the cash register, product registry and other users. Administrators also have access to the editing mode in the cash register.
Employees can be found in the feature Attendance Recorder. A Personal ID is required for this.
Cashier is found in the cash register and can log in to perform a cashiers duties such as purchases, returns, the handling of kitchen tickets etc.
If a user is not an administrator, a password is not necessary, only a PIN Code. Make up a random password if the user is not an administrator.
Click Create Employee when you're done. The new user is shown in your list.