Your customer list shows the customers you've chosen to save. You can use these to invoice customers or download the list in a .csv format for import to an e-mail client. Make sure you're logged into your profile in Backoffice.
Open the menu Loyalty -> Customers.
The screen above will be shown. Click Create Customer to make a new customer in the registry, alternatively Table Mode to enter several customers simultaneously. You cannot apply labels in the Table Mode. Labels can be used in promotions to apply an automatic discount to specific customer segments.
Fill in all the information for the customer. Finish by clicking Create.
To encourage your customers to register in your cash register, the cashier can ask at the end of the purchase or the customer can use the customer screen on the PAX E800 cash register to register themselves.
You can choose this in Backoffice under the menu Loyalty -> Loyalty Settings.
Connect customer manually
When you receive payment in the cash register, click Connect at the bottom of the screen.
If the customer is already in the list, choose the customer. Otherwise you can Create the customer directly in the cash register. Enter at least a name, then click Save. If you have a barcode scanner you can also scan the customer's driver's license, or vCard in QR Code form if the customer has one.
The customer will then be connected to the purchase and you can finish the purchase as normal.
Connect automatically
If the customer turns in a voucher that belongs to a saved customer in your system, the customer connection in the purchase will be made automatically.
Customer connects themselves
Om du har en PAX E800 kassa och du har slagit på kundkoppling via kundskärmen så kommer tre val att visas på kundskärmen när du börjar slå in produkter i notan. If you have a PAX E800 cash register and you have turned on customer connection from the customer screen, three choices will be presented on the customer screen when you begin to enter products into the tab. These are, in Swedish, Via mobil, Skanna ID and Ange ID.
Via mobil:
- Per standard the customer screen will show a QR code. If the customer scans it with their phone they will be taken to a side service by Onslip that quickly allows them to share first name, last name, mobile phone number and personal ID number to the cash register.
- When the customer allows this in their phone the cash register will connect the customer if they already exist in your customer list.
- If the customer does not exist the cash register will inform that they want to become a customer. This can be confirmed or aborted where the button Connect normally is.
Skanna ID:
- When the customer presses this button the camera facing the customer will activate. When the customer presents a barcode or QR Code the camera will read it and try to match it to an existing customer number.
- If the customer presents a driver's license or a vCard in QR Code form the cash register will create a new customer if an existing one could not be found.
Ange ID:
- When the customer pushes this button a number pad will show. The customer can enter a customer number, personal ID number or phone number and finish with OK. The cash register will try to match to an existing customer, but if no one can be found the customer can become a new member.
- In this case the information is sent to the cashier, who can press Create Customer further down the screen and continue to fill in the customer's information.