Pay in
If you start to run out of cash in your cash register you may need to pay in more. You can quickly and easily do this.
First press the menu button in the top left.
Choose Pay In.
The cash box opens automatically. Insert bills or coins into the cash box and close it. Enter the amount of cash you just inserted into the cash box. Press OK.
The cash is updated and you get a small receipt as a confirmation.
Pay out
If you've accidentally entered too high an amount in your cash register or simply need to loan money from the cash register you can make a payout. Note that a payout doesn't need to be done before a Z Report since the Z Report zeroes out your cash automatically.
First press the menu button in the top left.
Choose Pay Out.
The cash box opens automatically. Take out the amount of cash you need. Enter the amount of cash you just took out of the cash box. Press OK.
The cash is updated and you get a small receipt as a confirmation.