If your customer wants to pay part of the purchase with cash and the rest by card, or the other way around, or any other payment method such as Swish, this is how to do it.
Begin by pressing Charge. In this example we have a subtotal of 155,00 SEK. The customer wants to pay 50 SEK with cash and the rest with card.
All functions related to part payments are on the left side, the dark blue buttons. First we will charge the 50 SEK cash. Press the dark blue Cash button.
Enter the cash amount received and press OK. In this example it's 50 SEK.
The cash box opens and 50 SEK is registered as paid for. The customer still has 105 SEK left to pay. The customer pulls out his credit card. Press the dark blue Card button.
The remaining amount is automatically entered. Press OK. If your payment terminal is connected to the cash register, the amount is automatically sent to the payment terminal. Otherwise you may need to enter the amount manually into the card terminal and make sure the payment goes through.
The customer has paid the entire sum. Press Finish to print the customers receipt.
You can also use the OK buttons on the right when you are on the last part payment, and the cash register will finish the purchase itself.