If you are logged in as an Administrator in Backoffice you can find a history button on certain objects such as products and product groups, but also on tabs in the register journal. The button looks like the image on the right.
When you click the history button in a product or product group you will see a list of events when the object was updated.
When you choose an event in the list all fields are updated to how they were at the time. If you want to go back to these old values you can click the Restore button and confirm with OK.
History for tabs
The history button can also be found if you examine a tab in the cash register journal.
Open Reports -> Journal. Pick the cash register you want to examine in the list to the left. Click Show on a Tab post in the journal.
Click the history button and a view will open to the left, containing every update.
You can click the lock on an update to compare differences between updates.
History for accounting data
In accounting data you can enable a timeline to see the accounting data at specific dates.
You can enter a date yourself, click and drag the timeline, or go day to day with the arrow keys.